PINC presents:
Destroying the Great Barrier Reef:
The Work of Child Treatment and its Relevance for Adult Work
Working in the metaphor is de rigueur in clinical work with children. A story unfolds that captures the key elements of the child's internal world. This back-and-forth through play is dynamic and bold. With adults, experiences may not readily reside in the world of language. How can we utilize ideas from our work with children in our work with adults?
Reyna Cowan, LCSW, will present a child hour that takes place in the imaginative world of a young patient. Alice Jones, MD, then speaks about this work, both as an analyst and a poet, laying the groundwork to think about how to engage with many different elements of the mind in an adult patient.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
St. Clement's Episcopal Church
2837 Claremont Boulevard
Berkeley, CA