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  • Kirkland Vaughns

    Kirkland C. Vaughans, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and a psychoanalyst with a private practice in New York City. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy and co-editor of The Psychology of Black Boys and Adolescents. Dr.

  • Monica Vorchheimer

    Monica Vorchheimer, M.A., an experienced psychoanalyst and couple and family therapist, is a training and supervising analyst from the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytical Association (APdeBA) in Argentina. She is a full member of the IPA, a member of the IPA Committee on Psychoanlysis with Families and Couples, a member of the European Federation of Psychotherapy (FEAP), and honorary member of AAPPIPNA (Spain). A professor at the University Institute of Mental Health in Argentina, Dr.