American Psychoanalytic Association's
100th Annual Meeting
June 8 - 12, 2011
The Palace Hotel, SF
PSYCHOANALYTIC OBJECT RELATIONS CONSULTATION GROUP: Meets Monday from 1:45 - 3 pm in Palo Alto. Are you curious about how to work analytically? Whether you meet with patients once a week or multiple times a week, face to face or on the couch, you can think analytically by understanding the concepts of transference/countertransference, the unconscious and the frame. Clinical material from the group is highlighted by relevant papers. Co-led by: Diane Strongwater, MFT (408) 737-1337 and Carol Harrus, M.D. (650) 328-8935.
FOR SALE: Pristine, hardly used Scandinavian Design therapist's armchair. Black leather, swiveling, tall back with headrest. Located in San Francisco. $850. Kimball Worcester,
OPENING IN ONGOING PSYCHOANALYTIC CONSULTATION GROUP: Berkeley location. Meets weekly. Mondays 1:00 - 2:30 pm. $50/session. For more information, contact Cindy Sachs, MFT, ABD at (510) 339-3260.
Poetry & Psychoanalysis
Sun, May 1 / 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Denise Newman / free
Professional Development Salon
Tue, May 3 / 7 PM - 8:30 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Cheryl Goodrich, Ph.D. / free-$35
East Bay Psychotherapy Forum
Wed, May 4 / 7 PM - 9 PM / Summit Medical Center, 350 Hawthrone Ave., Fir1 Rm / Oakland
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Milena Edwards, Psy.D. and Tora Hanssen, M.D. / free
Peninsula Psychoanalytic Student Seminars
Thu, May 5 (begins) / 6:30 PM - 8 PM / Stanford Med Ctr, 401 Quarry Rd, Rm 2211 / Stanford
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Laura Seitel, Ph.D. / free
Perception and Process in Art and Analysis
Fri, May 6 / 7:30 PM - 9 PM / Private home / Palo Alto
NCSPP / (408) 243-3536 / Cia Foreman, Ph.D. / $20
Conversations on Adolescents: Living In a Body
Sat, May 7 / 10 AM - 12 PM / Flamingo Conference, 2777 Fourth Street / Santa Rosa
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Deborah Melman, Ph.D. / free
Special Program: How Do We Reconstruct the Past?
Sat, May 7 / 10 AM - 12:30 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / John Fletcher, Ph.D. / $ 35-$55
INK: Tattoos in the Consulting Room
Sat, May 7 / 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM / St. Johns, 2727 College Ave / Berkeley
TPI / 510 548-2250 / Jane Reynolds, Jenessa Radocchio, Sue von Baeyer / $50-$110
Special Program: Laplanche's Contemporary Writing on Sexuality
Sun, May 8 / 10 AM - 1 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / John Fletcher, Ph.D. / $40-$65
Scientific Meeting: Windholz Memorial and Lozoff Lecture
Mon, May 9 / 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / John Fletcher, Ph.D. / free
North Bay Psychotherapy Forum
Tue, May 10 / 7 PM - 9 PM / 4340 Redwood Highway / San Rafael
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / TBA / free
San Francisco Psychotherapy Forum
Tue, May 17 / 7:15 PM - 9 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Renee Spencer, MFT and William Glover, Ph.D. / free
South Bay Psychotherapy Forum
Tue, May 17 / 7:15 PM - 9 PM / Stanford Medical Center, 401 Quarry Rd. / Stanford
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Mali Mann, M.D. / free
Unbearable Longing, Grief and Mourning in Early Parent Loss
Sat, May 21 / 10 AM - 12 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Thomas Barrett, Ph.D. / free
Graduation Celebration
Sat, May 21 / 4 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Steven Goldberg, M.D. / free
Psychoanalytic Grand Rounds: Ferro and the Field
Wed, May 25 / 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM / Stanford Medical Center, 401 Quarry Rd, Rm 2209 / Stanford
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Meryl Botkin, Ph.D. / free