American Psychoanalytic Association's
100th Annual Meeting
June 8 - 12, 2011
The Palace Hotel, SF
The American Psychoanalytic Association's 100th Annual Meeting is the highlight of the organization's centennial celebration throughout 2011. The meeting, being held at the luxurious and historic Palace Hotel in San Francisco, offers 5 days of rich and diverse psychoanalytic programming, with more than 100 discussion groups, panels, workshops and symposia to attend. In addition, attendees may take advantage of an exclusive private tour of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art's exhibit, The Steins Collect: Matisse, Picasso, and the Parisian Avant-Garde, led by senior curators from SFMOMA.
The meeting also provides numerous opportunities to meet and network with colleagues from around the world. Moreover, the APsaA Annual Meeting offers stimulating content for mental health professionals, educators and students interested in psychoanalysis. A variety of registration fees is available, including single day and Sunday only. Make sure to register online by May 15th to take advantage of discounts on hotel rates and meeting fees.
Visit www.apsa.org to see the complete program, register for the meeting or to request a Preliminary Program. For questions, please contact Diana Franklin, (212) 752-0450 ext. 28 or meetadmin@apsa.org.