In 2007, NCSPP developed a strategic plan, based on an organizational consultation and a comprehensive membership survey, to evolve the structure and function of the organization to better meet the needs of our membership. Included among the many changes we have implemented are: restructuring the board by creating programming and membership/outreach divisions; expanding the role of our administrator; creating a unified brochure; hiring an in-house graphic designer and copy editor; creating a Community Mental Health Committee and a Community Events Committee; heavily investing in technology and website upgrades; and better integrating the various committees within the larger organization.
The most recent development is the restructuring of our Peninsula/South Bay Committee. The P/SB has grown tremendously over the years, thanks to MJ Myatt and the rest of her committee, who developed separate sub-committees that conducted year-long intensive study groups (ISGs), prelicensed clinician outreach, and other educational programs. A new structure is now being worked out that focuses on giving the P/SB a larger voice in the organization by creating three separate board positions rather than one. The idea is to form a P/SB ISG Committee, Educational Committee and Prelicensed Clinician Committee, consistent with the committee structures within the larger organization. In addition, board meeting locations will rotate between San Francisco, the East Bay, and the Peninsula/South Bay. We believe this new structure, in addition to giving the P/SB a greater presence on the board, will also improve administrative functioning and allow for more creative exchange.
NCSPP is now in the process of recruiting members from the Peninsula/South Bay who are interested in becoming a part of this new structure. We are very excited about the creative potential of greater integration between our P/SB members and the larger organization. We also hope that this new structure will help us to expand even more our psychoanalytic outreach and programming to areas down south.
NCSPP continues to grow and evolve in so many ways because of the tremendous investment of our board and committee members. As a group of colleagues and friends engaged in a variety of activities within the organization, the experience is quite rewarding! Contact us if you would like to join in.
Greg Clinton, Ph.D.
NCSPP President