I'm still very stimulated here in the aftermath of an engaging analytic event. Dr. Lew Aron was here this weekend as our guest presenter for the NCSPP Annual Lecture. I enjoyed meeting many of you and seeing familiar faces, and I hope you were enriched by the program. Among the many things he spoke about, I started to think more today about his comments related to the current state of psychoanalysis. During his morning lecture, Dr. Aron took up the trend of graduate schools teaching evidence-based treatment models and the dearth of psychoanalytic theory in many graduate curricula. I got to thinking about this more and how this trend is impeding our ability to pass on the importance of psychoanalytic technique and theory to future clinicians. I noticed that a number of graduate students and pre-licensed clinicians attended the Annual Lecture. This month, I use this forum to highlight my current mission to reach out to this group in my presidency, something I reiterated recently with the NCSPP Board and with both our Membership and Pre-Licensed Clinicians Committee leaders.

As part of an idea I want to develop regarding the mentoring of students into the psychoanalytic community, I would like to encourage our full members who wish to mentor and provide consultation to graduate students and pre-licensed therapists to please contact me. To our Pre-licensed/Student Associate Members -- I would like to offer a pro bono consultation, during which you could speak with me about the development of your practice, consult about professional development, analytic training or ways to connect more with our Bay Area psychoanalytic community. Pleasecontact me if you have interest. I hope other members would be willing to follow suit, so that we may begin to create a network of mentorship for the future.

Warm regards,
Drew Tillotson, Psy.D.
NCSPP President