Piece of Mind

by Jane Christmas, PhD
In this clinically oriented daylong program, PINC's 2016 International Visiting Scholar, renowned psychoanalyst Alessandra Lemma, DClin, Psych, applies Deleuze's concept of "becoming": taking up the ways that our bodies "become" through the experiences new technologies make possible, Lemma argues that psychoanalytic theorizing needs to focus on how bodies are experienced through technology. Peter Carnochan, PhD, presents compelling clinical material of a boy and his relationship to technology. Maureen Murphy, PhD, and Julie Leavitt, MD, serve as interlocutors.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Brower Center
Goldman Theater
2150 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
RSVPFor more information, contact Tim Renner, at PINC: (415) 288-4050