NCSPP Corner
by Monika Telichowska, PsyD
Reconceiving Harm and Reparation in the Intersubjective World with Jessica Benjamin, PhD
Saturday, May 21, 2016
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Reconceiving Harm and Reparation in the Intersubjective World with Jessica Benjamin, PhD
Saturday, May 21, 2016
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
California Ballroom
1736 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94612
CE: 6 Credits
Tuition*: $210 General Public | $160 Full Members | $90 Associate Members | $40 Student Members | $40 Scholarship Rate
*Additional $40 for all registrations after May 7th
Jessica Benjamin, PhD, will discuss repair of relational rupture through the acknowledgment of misrecognition and injury of the other. From an intersubjective perspective, the "moral third" offers the possibility for recognition of misunderstandings, as it holds potential for resolution of an impasse or conflict. Many enactments and impasses are dominated by the fantasy that only one can be right and live. Benjamin will illuminate how, in restoring recognition, there might be a way to step out of the destructive "doer/done-to" dynamic into a co-created reality where more than one can live and be recognized.
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