Looking for Community? Check out Community Membership at the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis (SFCP)
Community Membership is a new category of membership at SFCP that was created to enrich and broaden the Center by inviting psychoanalytic psychotherapists in the Bay Area to join. We welcome mental health clinicians of all disciplines and levels of experience. Community Members benefit from a network of over 300 psychoanalytic psychotherapists ranging from students to established senior clinicians. They also benefit from a network of nearly 300 psychoanalysts (Analyst Members) and psychoanalysts-in-training (Candidates).
Through Community Membership at SFCP, psychoanalytic therapists can continue their professional development and build or broaden their community ties. Community Members enjoy opportunities to think together with analysts, present cases, discuss clinical material, take courses, teach, join study groups, network, socialize, and support one another. Smaller, more personal programs have been developed that are specifically aimed at helping Community Members expand their professional networks and feel part of the Centers community. In addition, Community Members serve on committees and help to shape and create exciting educational, social, and networking events.
For those who desire it, Community Membership offers a professional home at SFCP at whatever level of involvement suits your needs and interests. Click here to learn more about our programs, additional membership benefits and information about how to join. We hope to see you at upcoming events.
Vittorio Comelli, Psy.D.
Rene Spencer, MFT
Co-Chairs, SFCP Community Membership Committee