Some changes are underway for Impulse.  Over these last four months, NCSPP past president Greg Clinton, Michele McGuiness, Cate Corcoran, and I have been meeting with Chapter Three, a local web design company, to update NCSPP's web presence.  The changes in store for Impulse include a new design for the newsletter as well as upgrading some features, notably Potential Space, into a blog format where readers can make comments and engage in discussions.  These changes will provide Impulse with another layer of dynamism, hopefully bringing our local community together in new and unexpected ways in the future.

This future, as it rapidly approaches, will also bring with it the completion of my involvement with Impulse.  Yes, readers, I will be stepping down as Editor-in-Chief at the end of this year due to the demands of my growing family.  These past three years have been a blast and I will truly miss being a part of this staff and the NCSPP Board.
Thus, we are now searching for a new Editor-in-Chief.  This position is a NCSPP Board Chair.  The potential candidate must be a member of NCSPP, licensed, willing to make a two-year commitment, and able to attend monthly Board meetings.  Please contact me at if you are interested in the position.
Matthew Morrissey, MFT
Impulse Editor-in-Chief