Piece of Mind
Open to Interpretation: Infidelity
7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Mondays (Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 24, Apr 28)
We encounter the phenomenon of infidelity in our consulting rooms; in art, books, film, theater and television; and in our personal lives. Framed and reflected in cultural assumptions of monogamy and what it means to be faithful, infidelity as a concept and as an act underscores our desire to simplify complex, complicated human events. Please join us this spring as we explore the multiple meanings of infidelity, finding the complexity and nuance in this topic, with Shelley Nathans, Ph.D. and Dianne Elise, Ph.D. Each presenter will present her own original contributions to this fascinating subject, followed by the opportunity for participants to present their clinical work in group consultation.
General non-members: $15/event date.
PINC members/Community Members/Students/Candidates: FREE
6 CE Credits available for all four sessions, at a cost of $60.
Please register: http://www.pincsf.org/events/infidelity/