fort da

The Journal of the Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
A Regional Affiliate of the Division of Psychoanalysis (39), American Psychological Association
fort da is a psychoanalytic journal that provides a forum for San Francisco Bay Area professionals as well as national and international thinkers and clinicians. fort da publishes work on psychoanalytic theory, practice, research, and applied psychoanalysis -- in the form of articles, reviews, interviews, essays, commentary, and poetry.
fort da encourages writers to present their ideas and views on psychoanalysis, both inside and outside the consulting room, giving voice to the multiple ways in which psychoanalytic thinking enriches life. We support creative, evocative, and associational styles rather than a strictly academic format, encouraging material that is at once accessible, lively and of a high intellectual standard.
Origin of the Name "fort da"
What are you interested in thinking about?
fort da promotes psychoanalytic thinking that enriches life inside and outside the consulting room through articles, reviews, short stories, interviews, essays, commentary, and poetry. We encourage nontraditional topics and creative and unconventional ways to write about them. We also offer editorial support to psychoanalytic thinkers new to writing. Once published, fort da articles appear in print and on the digital database PEPweb.
Contact Peter Silen at for more information.