Submit Event Info

Event listings in APPOINTMENT BOOK are available for your psychoanalytically oriented educational or professional event. Events must be submitted in the format outlined below to be included in Impulse.

Please DO NOT put title in all caps, only capitalized first letter. A maximum of 60 characters, including spaces, will fit in this field. Please condense or summarize as needed to capture the main idea.
Please link directly to event information, NOT to your organization's home page. Regrettably, we cannot link to PDF files.
For multi-day events or ongoing case conferences, provide the start date above and select “Multi-Day/Ongoing” in the DURATION menu.
(e.g. 123 Sutter St, 456 Claremont Blvd). Do not include periods in location or building or room details.
For events with variable ticket prices, include the full range, e.g. "$35 - $155". For events with no charge, please enter "free".
Please provide a contact in case we have questions about your event. Your name will not appear in Impulse, except in the case of individually sponsored events.
A valid phone number is required for all events.
Contact Phone
Please provide a number for event information and registration.
( )
If needed, use this space to communicate with the Impulse events editor. As we must adhere to a standard format and length limit for each event, be sure to fit all your essential event information in the standard fields above.

By clicking the "Submit" button below, you confirm your understanding that events may be edited for length and clarity — or omitted altogether due to space constraints. Impulse reserves the right to decline any event submission.

This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
15 + 0 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.

Please note that we only list organizationally sponsored events with a clear psychoanalytic focus in APPOINTMENT BOOK. Individually sponsored events (such as consultation or reading groups), as well as organizationally sponsored events without a primarily psychoanalytic focus, can be promoted via a paid classified ad.

We only accept submissions for events taking place in the upcoming month as well as the first 7 days of the following month (e.g. the June issue lists events from June 1 - July 7). Events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to their intended publication date (e.g. November 10 for the December 1 issue). 

Information may be edited for length and clarity. Please familiarize yourself with our submission guidelines before submitting an event.

Finally, be sure to click the "Submit" button after filling out the form.