We hope you enjoy three exciting new features this month in IMPULSE. First, PRESIDENT'S REMARKS provides a forum for the current NCSPP President, Beth Steinberg, to reflect in a more personal manner. In this issue, she'll kick things off with her insider's view of the process of applying for analytic training.
Next, if you've ever mused about what it's like to train as an analyst, you'll find CANDIDATE'S BLOG revealing. Louis Roussel, Ph.D., a 4th year SFPI candidate, bravely free associates for us. He'll blog for the next 6 months, giving us a unique window into this seemingly mysterious process.
Finally, EVENT SPOTLIGHT offers local organizations the opportunity to share more detail about an upcoming event of interest to the analytic community. The inaugural entry focuses on a film screening offered by the San Francisco Society for Lacanian Studies.
Let us know if there are other things you'd like to see in IMPULSE. We welcome your ideas to help us continue the success of our venture. Even better, please join NCSPPand assist us in fostering a vibrant psychoanalytic community in Northern California.
This past fall I went through the process of applying for psychoanalytic training. I found this process very intense and thought provoking.
The goal of the San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group, Clinic and Training Center (SFPRGCTC) is to further the development of psychodynamic psychotherapy through teaching, research and study.
The term "blog" refers to a web-based journal wherein individuals offer up their personal experiences to anyone with a web browser. The New York Times recently estimated that more than 10 million blogs now populate the Internet.
Want to do something subversive on Presidents' Day Weekend?
Two psychotherapy offices for rent. Hayes Street near St. Mary's. Victorian, new paint, carpet. 11 x 13 with closet. Available March 1st. $675. 11 x 11 with adjoining room for desk $575. Jacquie Ward, Ph.D. @ 415-752-5428.
Messages From The Minoans: Gender and Power In An Ancient Culture. With Dianne Elise. Discussion by John Beebe and Joseph Bobrow. Sunday, February 19, 1-4 PM. PINC library, 2252 Fillmore St., San Francisco. 3 CE's. Deep Streams Institute. Learn more.
Consultation Group: The Interplay of Psychotherapy & Buddhism
Wed, Feb 1 (begins) / 10 AM - 12 PM / 121 Clement St. / San Francisco
Deep Streams Institute / Joseph Bobrow, Ph.D. / $60 per meeting
Theater on the Couch: "Sexual Perversity in Chicago" by David Mamet
Fri, Feb 3 / 8 PM / A.C.T.'s Geary Theater, 405 Geary / San Francisco
SFPI&S / Lee Grossman, M.D. will discuss the play / $21 - $65
Potential Space, Interpretation and the Holding Environment
Sat, Feb 4 / 8:45 AM - 12:30 PM / Veteran's Memorial Center Theater, 203 E. 14th St. / Davis
NCSPP / Deborah Melman, Ph.D. / $35 - $50
The Vulnerability of the Therapist as Crisis and Opportunity
Sat, Feb 4 / 9 AM - 12:30 PM / 2232 Carleton Street / Berkeley
The Psychotherapy Institute / Arlene Bermann, LCSW / $33 - $53
Unfolding Moments: Therapeutic Relationship in Effective Psychotherapy
Sat/Sun, Feb 4 & 5 / 9 AM - 4:30 PM / 1330 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 201 / San Rafael
Community Institute for Psychotherapy / Stephen Schoen, M.D. / $180 - $240
How Does the Talking Cure?
Fri, Feb 10 (begins) / 12:30 - 2 PM / 2727 College Avenue / Berkeley
NCSPP / Andrea Walt, Ph.D. / $120 - $210
Dialogues: Where do Interpretations Come From?
Sat, Feb 11 / 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM / SFPI&S library / San Francisco
SFPI&S / P. Goldberg, H. Markman, M. M. McClure, R. Poggi / $35 - $45
Scientific Meeting: Otto Kernberg, M.D.
Mon, Feb 13 / 7:30 - 9:30 PM / SFPI&S Library / San Francisco
SFPI&S / Otto Kernberg, M.D. / free
Theater on the Couch: "Gem of the Ocean" by August Wilson
Fri, Feb 17 / 8 PM / A.C.T.'s Geary Theater, 405 Geary / San Francisco
SFPI&S / Forrest Hamer will discuss the play / $21 - $65
Seminar on Poetry as an Aid in Analytic Listening — The Independent Tradition
Sat, Feb 18 (begins) / 10 AM - 1 PM / TBA / Berkeley
SFPI&S / Susan Kolodny, D.M.H. / $150
Ethics in Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Sat, Feb 18 / 9 AM - 1 PM / PINC Library, 2252 Fillmore Street / San Francisco
PINC / Jeff Sandler, M.D. / $75
Messages from the Minoans: Gender and Power in an Ancient Culture
Sun, Feb 19 / 1 - 4 PM / PINC Library, 2252 Fillmore St. / San Francisco
Deep Streams Institute / Dianne Elise, Ph.D. ; John Beebe, M.D.; Joseph Bobrow, Ph.D. / $50
Melanie Klein on the "Past"
Tue, Feb 21 / 7:30 - 9:30 PM / Auditorium, N. Tower, CPMC Davies Campus, 45 Castro St. / San Francisco
Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies / Elizabeth Bott Spillius, Ph.D. / $30 - $45
"I Can't Believe I Said That": Mistakes, Enactments in the Therapeutic Process
Fri, Feb 24 (begins) / 12:30 - 2 PM / TBA / Palo Alto
SFPI&S / Dena Sorbo, L.C.S.W., Lee Grossman, M.D. / $275
Sausalito Salon Series: Liberation in Practice and Teaching of Psychoanalysis
Fri, Feb 24 / 6:30 - 8:45 PM / details upon registration / Sausalito
NCSPP / Louis Roussel, Ph.D. / $15 - $20
NCSPP Scientific Meeting: To Dream, Perchance to Think
Sat, Feb 25 / 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM / CPMC Pacific Campus, 2333 Buchanan / San Francisco
NCSPP / Kathy Sinsheimer, MFT and Sue von Baeyer, Ph.D. / free - $30
Introduction to Control Mastery Theory
Sat, Feb 25 / 9 AM - 4:30 PM / JCC, 3200 California St. at Presidio Ave. / San Francisco
SFPRG / Steven Foreman, M.D.; Jan Schieber, Ph.D.; George Silberschatz, Ph.D. / $20 - $50
19th Annual SFPRG March Workshop 2006
Mon, Feb 27(begins) 6 days / 10 AM - 5:15 PM / 9 Funston Ave in The Presidio / San Francisco
SFPRG / over 40 members of SFPRG / $45 for individual course; $600 for week of 41 CEU
Case Seminar of Psychotherapy with Neurodevelopmentally Atypical Children
Thu, Mar 2 (begins) / 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM / 5330 College Ave., Suite 220 / Oakland
Individual Sponsor (Teresa Doyle, Ph.D.) / (510) 594-1926 / $960
Psychoanlytic/Psychodynamic Case Consultation Group in the South Bay
Fri (ongoing) / 10:30 AM - 12 PM / 20688 Fourth Street / Saratoga
Individual Sponsor (Alan Kessler, Ph.D.) / $45 per meeting
Building a Child Psychotherapy Practice: Case Consultation and Reading
Thu (ongoing) / 12 - 1 PM / 550 Hamilton Ave. #240 / Palo Alto
Individual Sponsor (Mary Jane Otte, Ph.D.) / (650) 326-6663 / $60 per meeting
Psychoanalytic Impasses: Case Consultation and Reading
Tue (ongoing) / 1:10 - 2:15 PM / 550 Hamilton Ave. #240 / Palo Alto
Individual Sponsor (Mary Jane Otte, Ph.D.) / (650) 326-6663 / $60 per meeting
Current Views on Psychoanalytic Core Concepts: Transference
Wed (ongoing) / 11:20 AM - 12:50 PM / 550 Hamilton Ave. #240 / Palo Alto
Individual Sponsor (Lynn Alexander, Psy.D.) / (650) 328-8505 / $45 per meeting
Collaborative Group Consultation — Independent Psychoanalytic Perspective
Wed (ongoing) / 11:40 AM - 1:05 PM / 301 B Saratoga Road / Los Gatos
Individual Sponsor (Hugh Grubb, M.A.) / $45 per meeting