Psychoanalysis in the News

by Molly Merson, MFT

Couples Therapy: Why would anyone agree to televise their sessions? In psychoanalyst Orna Guralnik’s new television show, four couples go to the couch to work through their traumas and their desires in their marriages.

Psyche on Campus: A blog about teaching psychoanalysis in the undergraduate classroom (and beyond). This new blog describes ways in which students and instructors alike grapple with psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic theories in undergraduate settings. 

The Culturing of Psychoanalysis. Karim Dajani’s essay on culture– a missing piece in most psychoanalytic theorizing– speaks to the ways culture helps form the unconscious, and how, by taking up the social and the cultural as psychoanalytic, we as psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically-oriented people can move toward a greater representation of diverse cultural experiences in our theory and practice.