Psychoanalysis In the News

by Molly Merson, MFT
Freud for Our Times. Psychoanalysis offers another level and layer to our fast food culture, in which the pull to "cure" quickly can obfuscate real change. How do we think about cases, and how can we apply that thinking to agencies, structures, and institutions using a psychoanalytic mind? This radio segment also addresses approaching racism and othering from a psychoanalytic perspective.
The Paradox of Life-Affirming Death TrapsThis is not a psychoanalytic article and does not reference psychoanalysis, but I urge you to read this piece with a psychoanalytic lens. What paradoxical, life-affirming death traps do we create for ourselves just by being alive, and could our desire for vitality lead us down dangerous paths?
"Westworld"--Or: In Praise of PsychotherapyThe television series 'Westworld' explores the development of consciousness through an understanding of trauma, and the darker impulses and desires available to conscious beings.