Psychoanalysis in the News

by Molly Merson, MFT

Learning from the Virus. This article takes up Biopolitics with a Foucauldian lens: “Tell me how your community constructs its political sovereignty and I will tell you what forms your plagues will take and how you will confront them.”

Fuck The Bread. The Bread Is Over. This is a gorgeous, despairing, heartbreaking, and relatable piece about loss and life and going on being. It doesn’t mention psychoanalysis, but what can be more psychoanalytic than the journey on which Sabrina Orah Mark takes us?

Hero of the Day: Psychologist connects families to ailing loved ones. While there is a lot to unpack around the concept of a “hero,” Jamieson Webster uses her position and expertise (and courage) to connect those hospitalized, dying from COVID-19 related complications, with their families and loved ones — who are not allowed to set foot in the hospital room.

The Spanish Flu, Covid-19 and Sigmund Freud. Jeanne Wolf-Bernstein writes about Freud’s experiences during the 1918 Flu and the end of World War I, both of which risked the lives of his children. Mourning, at times, takes place long after the loss, and this may be our experience during this time as well.

Judith Butler: Mourning Is a Political Act Amid the Pandemic and Its Disparities. George Yancy interviews Judith Butler in this deep piece about acute and ongoing mourning of mass death, inequities magnified by coronavirus, community and social response to the virus, and the choices made on a structural level that highlight and exacerbate pre-existing vulnerabilities.