Psychoanalysis in the News

by Molly Merson, MFT

“This Place Is Crazy”. A prison journalist describes the lack of mental health care in the prison system through a fellow inmate with a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder.

Trump’s Policy Separating Kids at Border Can Cause Lifelong Trauma – We Already Know This From WWII. The forced separation of children from families has long-lasting traumatic effects on attachment and child development. Politicians and the APsaA are protesting the current administration’s decision to forcibly remove children from their parents, a maneuver, the article points out, that is not the law but rather a choice being made by the current administration.

We’ve Been Here Before: A Psychologist Calls out the Horrifying Familiarity of America’s Treatment of Migrant Children. Another article on the same topic: forced separation of children from parents can massively impact child development and attachment. This article points out that not only are we aware of this through the impacts of WWII, but from the families and individuals who survived slavery and the systemic assimilation of indigenous peoples.