Psychoanalysis in the News

by Molly Merson, MFT

Frame of Mind: Psychiatry on Screen. If folks desire something to watch, the Criterion channel is currently featuring several films dealing with psychoanalysis, psychology, and the inner workings of the mind. Zoom watch party, anyone?

Is There a Cure for Burnout? This book review highlights the structural change needed to prevent burnout. Often attributed to individual choices, this piece and the book it reviews challenges us to rethink our collective social structures and the systems in which we live.

I am not attractive to others. Would life be better if I made more effort? This advice column interviews psychoanalyst Alessandra Lemma to provide a response to a reader’s query. In it, Lemma offers a psychoanalytic take on attraction. Psychoanalysis posits that there are unconscious forces at play in regards to attractiveness, seduction, and sexual energy, and Lemma suggests some reasons why “beauty is more than skin deep.”