Event Spotlight
by Gary Grossman, PhD
Friday, June 5 - Sunday, June 7, 2015
Palace Hotel
2 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
The American Psychoanalytic Association continues its long history of providing educational opportunities and promoting psychoanalysis with June's 104th Annual Meeting. This three-day conference includes annual favorites such as discussion groups, two-day clinical workshops, symposia, and committee-sponsored workshops, as well as new programming.
Psychoanalysis Here and Now is an exciting new session showcasing several TED-style talks by APsaA members and guests. The meeting kicks off with the screening of the stirring film Black Psychoanalysts Speak, followed by discussion with panelists and audience. It is undoubtedly an opportune time for psychoanalysts to think and speak about race.
The conference is open to anyone interested in psychoanalysis and offers stimulating content for mental health professionals practicing a wide range of therapies, as well as educators, researchers, and students. Attendees can earn up to 17 continuing education credits, including those that satisfy the requirements for risk management, medical ethics, and cultural competency.
Special discounts on hotel and meeting registration are available to those who register by May 4. Visit www.apsa.org for more information.