Event Spotlight
The Seasoned Clinicians Program has finished its second year of operation. The first two years of the program covered a wide range of topics that included transference analysis; therapeutic action; obstacles to change; defense analysis; aging and death; poetry and dreams; attachment and early development; power, suggestion and love in the therapeutic dyad; and the oedipal situation.
Heading in to the 2015 season, the program will be offering an enhanced clinical format with an emphasis on case conferences. Michael Wagner, PhD, Mary Margaret McClure, DMH and Steven Goldberg, MD will each be leading month-long case conferences. Each case conference segment will have its own unique focus. In addition, Diane Fuery, PhD will be teaching a four-week segment on psychoanalytic work with couples; Georgine Marrott, PhD will be teaching a segment on Bion and arrogance.
The SCP is a 20-week seminar for psychoanalytically oriented clinicians who have practiced psychotherapy for a minimum of 20 years. It provides a unique opportunity to meet with SFCP faculty and discuss theoretical and clinical material in a small group setting with colleagues who are similarly experienced. For further information, please contact Laura Dansky, PhD and Jan Messer, MFT, Co-Chairs.