Great Works: Literature and Poetry for Clinicians

"The great contribution Freud has made to our understanding of literature does not arise from what he says about literature itself but from what he says about the nature of the human mind: he showed us that poetry is indigenous to the very constitution of the mind." (Lionel Trilling) 

While students of literature are routinely trained in the use of psychoanalytic theory to enhance their understanding of texts, training opportunities for clinicians to mine the enormous potential of great literature to enrich their clinical work are rare. NCSPP is offering such an opportunity in "Great Works: Literature and Poetry for Clinicians", with literature professor and psychoanalyst Michael Zimmerman. Only a few days remain to sign on for this learning adventure. Discover what Plath, Lowell, Frost, Melville, Faulkner, Conrad and Hemingway can teach us about language, narrative and the human condition. 

Class begins October 6th. See www.ncspp.org for more details!