On November 13th and 14th, 2010, PINC is proud to present a conference entitled, "Master Clinicians in Neuropsychoanalysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD, Trauma, and Stress." Dr. Mark Solms, founder of the neuropsychoanalysis movement, will be joined by leading experts in TBI and PTSD, Dr. Anthony Chen, Dr. Harold Kudler, and Dr. Ronald Ruff. Introducing the conference, Dr. Maggie Zellner will present an optional overview of the brain Friday the 12th from 3 to 6 p.m. 

The conference aims to demonstrate the efficacy of a psychoanalytic approach in working with neurological conditions, using TBI as a model. Presentations and workshops will emphasize clinical material related to such questions as: "What is Neuropsychoanalysis?" "What do psychoanalytic therapists need to know about the brain?" "Can neuroscientists and psychoanalysts develop a shared language to improve rehabilitation for brain injured patients?" 

For details: www.pincsf.org