Saturday, January 28, 2012
8:30 AM- 12:00 Noon
PINC conference room,
530 Bush St., 7th floor
San Francisco
A Yoram Yovell Film Presentation and Discussion
Anxiety: One or Two?
Yoram Yovell, psychoanalyst and neuroscientist, examines findings from affective neuroscience to see if, as Kohut, Rank, and Winnicott argued, there is a single primal source of anxiety or whether, as Freud and Klein argued, there are two-one object-related and one situational fear. We will use case vignettes to discuss the implications of these findings. Discussants: Maggie Zellner, Ph.D., L.P., Barbara Cohen, Psy.D., M.F.T, and Margaret Guertin, Ph.D.
$25 (add $10 for 3 CEU)
Registration: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=223504
Advanced Seminar in Neuroscience
Building a Psychodynamic Brain: The Neural Underpinnings of the Self
Jan 13, 27; Feb 10, 24; Mar 9, 23; Apr 13, 27; May 11, 25
We will explore current neuroscientific interest in self and ego-related processes and its relevance to clinical phenomena.
Instructor: Maggie Zellner, Ph.D., L.P. (by video conference)
Information and registration: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=223507