From the Editor

by Luba Palter, MFT

Summer is usually when things slow down; therapists take vacations. Many therapists famously take two weeks off in August. We, here at NCSPP, are excitedly churning out new ideas. We have also been updating our policies and procedures as well as streamlining protocols. It may sound boring to some, but organization elates me. I have been known to shamelessly invite myself to my friends’ homes to organize their pantries and refrigerators.

But coming back to matters at hand, one of our sexier ideas is that we’re launching a new column. We are calling it, “Who is NCSPP?” This is an exciting opportunity for NCSPP members to share themselves with the community. Whether you have been a therapist for a while or are just starting out, we invite you to send us a little blurb describing yourself and your offerings. Maybe you are excited about a new therapy group you have put together. Maybe you are looking for networking opportunities and would like others to know about your niche specialization. Or maybe you would like to bravely put your capable self, your words, your face, and your tender ambitions into the internet world of other analytically-oriented therapists. We invite you to go for it! Send a blurb to me at Keep your write up to 200 words. And if you have a picture of yourself, send that to us as well. Our plan is to make this column quarterly but if we get a sizeable response, will consider it more frequently.

Another exciting opportunity is to contribute your writing to the Potential Space column. We are looking for new writers to join our team, especially folks of color and marginalized folks. Impulse is interested in uplifting the voices of those folks who have historically been excluded and felt left out of psychoanalytic spaces. We are interested in widening our conversation about politics, culture, gender, our climate, and psychoanalysis. Potential Space encourages writers to explore their experiences, vulnerabilities, and wonderings as they encounter the world (inside and outside) within a psychoanalytic frame. We are interested in writers who would like to contribute regularly as well as once in a blue moon, a red moon, and even a purple moon. If you are interested, I would be glad to tell you more about it. The deadline to respond to this search is September 1st. If you are shy about sharing your voice with a wider community, I hear you and see you. I am shy too. In fact, it still amazes me that here I am revealing my thoughts and feelings with all of you. So do not let your hesitations stop you if you would like to introduce your writing to our community. We would love to hear from you!