Author Anonymization Agreement

Authors must verify that they have anonymized an individual or individuals’ identity, as described below, and indicate which method(s) of anonymization has been used.

Author Required to Confirm by Checking the Box

How Have you Protected the Patient from Identification (please confirm all that apply)?

Anonymization Details Checklists

Category 1 - The following must be changed or omitted (Please confirm all.)

Category 2--To be disguised through change, generalization, or other methods. (Please confirm all)

Category 3 - To be disguised as above, unless essential to the usefulness of the case report

Any clinical material described in this article has been properly anonymized, in accordance with the Journal’s Patient Anonymity Guidelines. By signing this agreement, I warrant that the confidentiality statements that I have provided are fully accurate and that I have read and followed the Journal’s requirements for ensuring confidentiality. To view the guidelines, visit our website: