Piece of Mind

by Francisco J. Gonzalez, M.D. and Rachel Peltz, Ph.D.


We are pleased and honored to receive this award, and we want to emphasize that we receive it on behalf of the entire Community Psychoanalysis Track and Consortium (CPT&C). In the spirit of community, we will dedicate the honorarium that accompanies this award to community program development.

The CPT&C is based on the work of many. The two of us had an initial vision and shepherded the hard work and creativity of a community of people committed to expanding psychoanalysis beyond the confines of the consulting room. We have felt a resonance with those who find the intersection of psychoanalysis and community deeply meaningful, invigorating, and necessary. From the outset we have felt supported by PINC; we are fortunate to be a part of an Institute that prides itself on welcoming change toward the better.

Many people make up the CPT&C and bring that vision to fruition: the Steering Committee (Nancy Drooker, Betsy Kassoff, Julie Leavitt, Mary Margaret McClure, Lee Slome); community consultants (Leah Brown, Lani Chow, Sandra Gaspar, Shubha Herlekar, Annika Sridharan, Maria St. John, and the late Alla Volovich); CPT Coordinators (first Kara Swedlow, currently Diana Shapiro); and candidate participants (Judy Blumenthal, Ben Ringler, Elise Geltman, Leigh Lyndon, Paul Alexander, Orion Rozsa, Denali Tice).

This endeavor would not be possible without the Community Psychoanalysis Consortium composed of members from Partners in Trauma Recovery (Annika Sridharan), Access Institute (Anjali George), Infant Parent Program (Maria St. John, Lea Brown), West Coast Children’s Center (Sandra Gaspar), RAMS (the late Alla Volovich), and Coalition for Clinical Social Work (Beth Kita, Clara Kwan).

We are grateful for the grant support from the Sarnat-Hoffman Family Foundation and the Division 39 Fund for Psychoanalysis.

For more information on the CPT&C, please visit our website at pinccptc.org.

We invite you to join the conversation at the next CPT public program on Saturday, Oct 8, 2022. Details will be posted later on Impulse.