Psychoanalysis In The News

by Ripple Patel 

CBT Fares Better than Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Bulimia Treatment. Five months of cognitive-behavioral therapy produced greater symptom reduction than two years of "manualized" psychoanalytic psychotherapy, which begs the question: can a manualized treatment be truly psychoanalytic?

Written From the Couch: A Review of Gary Shteyngart's "Little Failure". According to this reviewer, Shteyngart's latest work is a poignant and frequently hilarious creation that reads like a psychoanalytic narrative, plumbing the author's past in order to illuminate his present.

Cartoon: Christmas Group Therapy. Holiday enthusiasts and detractors alike will enjoy this tongue-in-cheek depiction (and Dr. Howard Stein's psychoanalytically-informed elaboration) of the woes of fictional Christmas characters.