It is admission season at PINC, so if you have been thinking of embarking on the journey of psychoanalytic training, now is the time to apply.


PSYCHOANALYTIC OBJECT RELATIONS CONSULTATION GROUP: Meets Monday from 1:45 - 3 pm in Palo Alto. Are you curious about how to work analytically? Whether you meet with patients once a week or multiple times a week, face to face or on the couch, you can think analytically by understanding the concepts of transference/countertransference, the unconscious and the frame. Clinical material from the group is highlighted by relevant papers. Co-led by: Diane Strongwater, MFT (408) 737-1337 and Carol Harrus, M.D. (650) 328-8935.

NARRATIONS AND TRANSLATIONS: A Psychoanalytic Consultation Group. The characters, real or imagined, that populate a patient's life come alive in our consulting rooms. The stories they tell -- of past and present, fear, fantasy, and desire -- play out in transference, counter-transference, displacements, dreams, and enactments. This ongoing group will focus on listening at multiple levels to how patients tell us their stories; understanding how, when, and why we say what we say to patients; and interpreting the impact of these interventions. We'll discuss cases that members bring to the group, occasionally adding relevant readings from various theoretical perspectives. This group is specifically designed to develop and expand ways of thinking and working psychoanalytically, and to support and encourage each participant's unique voice. Palo Alto, Tuesdays, 11:00-12:15. Cia Foreman, Ph.D., Member and Faculty SFCP. (650) 322-3204.

OPENINGS IN CLINICAL STUDY GROUP with Eileen Keller, psychologist/psychoanalyst: This long term case consultation and study group has two openings beginning April 14. Currently we are reading Bion's "Second Thoughts" together, alternating with case presentations. We alternate two weeks of reading with two weeks of a case, giving us plenty of time to digest both the written and spoken words. Twelve week commitment. We welcome child and adult cases.Thursdays 12:30 - 1:45, beginning April 14, 2011. $50 per session. 5435 College Ave, #201, Oakland, 94618. Contact Dr. Keller at for more information. Dr. Keller is a psychologist/psychoanalyst, in practice since 1980, member of San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, Chair of the Child Development Program of SFCP. See her web site for more details:

Appointment Book: 

East Bay Psychotherapy Forum
Wed, Apr 6 / 7 PM - 9 PM / Summit Medical Center, 350 Hawthrone Ave., Fir1 Rm / Oakland
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Ana Noles, Psy.D. / free

San Francisco Psychoanalytic Student Seminars
Wed, Apr 6 (begins) / 7 PM - 8:30 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / J. Marc Wallis, LCSW / free

Peninsula Psychoanalytic Student Seminars
Thu, Apr 7 (begins) / 6:30 PM - 8 PM / Stanford Med Ctr, 401 Quarry Rd, Rm 2211 / Stanford
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Mark Scott, Ph.D. / free

SFCP Dialogues in Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Sat, Apr 9 / 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Michael Parsons / $35-$45

Scientific Meeting with Dr. Parsons
Mon, Apr 11 / 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Michael Parsons / free

North Bay Psychotherapy Forum
Tue, Apr 12 / 7 PM - 9 PM / 4340 Redwood Highway / San Rafael
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Arlene Berman, LCSW / free

Theater on the Couch: No Exit
Fri, Apr 15 / 8 PM / A.C.T., 405 Geary Street / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Wendy Stern, DMH and Linda Lagemann / $7.50-$88

C.G. Jung and the Jewish Connection
Fri, Apr 15 (begins) / 7:30 PM - 9 PM / Goldman Theater, David Brower Center / Berkeley
Jung Institute / (415) 771-8055 / Betsy Cohen, Sanford Drob, Tom Kirsch, et. al. / $200-$215

Child Colloquium: When Individual Therapy Isn't Enough
Sat, Apr 16 / 10 AM - 12 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Terrence Owens, Ph.D. / free

San Francisco Psychotherapy Forum
Tue, Apr 19 / 7:15 PM - 9 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Suzanne Klein, Ph.D. / free

SFCP South Bay Psychotherapy Forum
Tue, Apr 19 / 7:15 PM - 9 PM / Stanford Medical Center, 401 Quarry Road / Stanford
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Julie Gerhardt, Ph.D. / free

Conversations on Adolescents
Sat, Apr 23 / 10 AM - 12 PM / Flamingo Conference, 2777 Fourth Street / Santa Rosa
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Terrence Owens, Ph.D. / free

Grand Rounds: Only Women Have Hot Flashes
Wed, Apr 27 / 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM / Stanford Med Ctr, 401 Quarry Rd, Rm 2209 / Stanford
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Elizabeth Biggart, Ph.D. / free

Supervision and Consultation in Depth: A Jungian Perspective
Sat, Apr 30 / 9 AM - 5 PM / 2040 Gough Street / San Francisco
Jung Institute / (415) 771-8055 / Claire Allphin, MSW, Ph.D., et al. / $125-$140

Poetry and Psychoanalysis with Poet Denise Newman
Sun, May 1 / 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM / SFCP, 2340 Jackson St., 4th floor / San Francisco
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Denise Newman / free

Perception and Process in Art and Analysis
Fri, May 6 / 7:30 PM - 9 PM / Private home / Palo Alto
NCSPP / (408) 243-3536 / Cia Foreman, Ph.D. / $20 ($35 after 4/22)

Conversations on Adolescents: Living In a Body
Sat, May 7 / 10 AM - 12 PM / Flamingo Conference, 2777 Fourth Street / Santa Rosa
SFCP / (415) 563-5815 / Deborah Melman, Ph.D. / free

The Container, Cleaving: Omnipotence and the Unspeakable
Sat, May 7 / 10:45 AM - 12 PM / CPMC, 2333 Buchannan Street / San Francisco
PINC / (415) 922-4050 / Drew Tillotson, Psy.D., Lee Rather, Ph.D. / free