Kylie Svenson, MSW
Abuse and/or Torture Survivors, Anxiety, Arts (Film, Literature, Writing, Visual Arts, Music, etc), Chronic Pain/Pain Management, Creative Blocks & Creativity, Depression, Dissociative Disorders, Illnesses: Chronic and/or Terminal, LGBTQIQ Issues, Personality Disorders, PTSD, Self-Destructive Behaviors, Sexuality and/or Sexual Identity Issues, Spiritual and/or Religious Issues, Trauma
Grad School/Psychoanalytic Institute Training:
Professional Affiliations:
Child/Play Therapy, Clinical Consultation and/or Supervision, Individual therapy
Age Breakdown:
Children 0 to 5, Latency age children, Teens, Young Adults, Adults
More Info:
As a conservatory-trained musician, I'm especially interested in creativity, self-expression, and self-elaboration as important aspects of the therapeutic process, and of the patient's way of finding a safe and coherent sense of identity. I often work with artists and gifted children and adults, and I find that their gifts are frequently both a window into their trauma and a powerful aspect of the integrative process of dreaming the self into being. I'm also particularly interested in dissociative disorders, and specialize in working with patients with DID; my background includes training in specialized treatment for these patients. My work with these patients integrates both psychoanalytic and family systems work, informed by structural dissociation theory.
Office Address #1:
3663 sacramento st
san francisco, ca 94118
united statesOffice Phone #1:
(415) 938-8434