For evidence that the psychoanalytic lens can clarify much beyond the clinical scene, one need look no further than this month's roster of analytic happenings in our community. From cinema, to politics, to theater, to spirituality, a wide array of subjects will be examined from the analytic point of view.
Those seeking insight in their clinical work will also find much to enjoy in November, as critical issues like eating disorders, medication consultations, and pain management receive careful consideration at the hands of experienced clinicians. We encourage you to use our event listings as means to deepen your investment in the collaborative work of our community.
We hope you enjoy this month's issue, and we hope you'll join NCSPP to assist us in fostering a vibrant psychoanalytic community in Northern California.
This month I'd like to highlight two compelling and significant events happening in the coming weeks. Each addresses crucial community needs, each in a different way.
Nearly 20 percent of the soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have acute Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. More than one million men and women have been deployed so far.
The term "blog" refers to a web-based journal wherein individuals offer up their personal experiences to anyone with a web browser.
PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP: For adults concerned about their alcohol use. Focus is on implementing individualized goals for change. Wed 6:00-7:30 PM in SF. Co-leaders: Jordana A. Templin, LCS 20773, (415) 255-9413, David A. Wasserman, PSY 11897, (415) 263-0980.
CASE CONFERENCE: Psychoanalytic case conference and study group. Friday afternoons in Oakland. Annie Sweetnam, (510) 428-2913.
EATING DISORDER CONSULTATION & READING GROUP: One Monday evening per month beginning October 2006, 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Location to be determined in the Penninsula/South Bay area. Individual sponsors: Ann Martini, LCSW, (408) 358-1862, and Jana Kahn, Ph.D., (650) 947-0262.
OFFICE SUBLET BERKELEY/ALBANY BORDER. Anytime except Tuesdays and Fridays after 1:00 pm. $200/full day, $100/half or weekend day. $500 minimum. Ground floor of beautiful, well-maintained building constructed especially for therapists. Sophisticated sound-proofing, call lights, separate therapist entrance, wheelchair accessible. Office newly painted and decorated. Large window looking onto nice landscaping. Naomi Low, Ph.D. at (415) 751-1170.
San Francisco Student Outreach
Wed, Nov 1 (begins) / 7:30 - 9 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Catherine Mallouh, M.D. / free
Preschool Project Annual Lecture: Early Childhood Educators & Psychoanalysis
Wed, Nov 1 / 7:30 - 9:30 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Holly Veldhuis, Ph.D. / free
theater on the couch: Little Foxes by Lillian Hellman
Fri, Nov 3 / 8 PM / A.C.T. Theater, 415 Geary Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-3366 / discussant Lee Grossman, M.D. / $21 - $65
The Art of Psychoanalytic Listening
Fri, Nov 3 (begins) / 12 - 1:30 PM / Northbrae Community Church / Berkeley
NCSPP / (415) 457-9949 / Jeanne Harasemovitch, L.C.S.W. / $85 - $130
Extension Division: Seminar on Psychoanalytic Writing
Sat, Nov 4 (begins) / 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM / Epworth Methodist Church, 1953 Hopkins / Berkeley
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Annie Sweetnam / $150
Working with Parents
Sat, Nov 4 / 10 AM - 4 PM / St. John's Presbyterian Church, 2727 College Ave. / Berkeley
NCSPP / (415) 457-9949 / Laurie Goldsmith, Ph.D. & Reyna Cowan, L.C.S.W / $75 - $110
Extension Division: Maternal Ambivalence — the Dark Side of Maternity
Sat, Nov 4 / 9 AM - 1 PM / Elks Lodge, 4249 El Camino Real / Palo Alto
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Barbara Almond, M.D. / $100
The Psychology of Medications
Sat, Nov 4 / 9 AM - 4:30 PM / JCC, California St. @ Presidio / (415) 561-6771 / San Francisco
SFPRG / S. Foreman, M.D.; M. Lowenstein, M.D.; N. Sohn, Ph.D., LCSW; P. Wood, Ph.D. / $85
A Psychoanalytic Journey through the Film Ladies in Lavender
Sun, Nov 5 / 10 AM - 1 PM / CPMC, Davis Room 2333 Buchanan (at Clay) / San Francisco
NCSPP / (510) 717 5330 / Maureen Franey, Ph.D. / $0 - $30
Pain: Analytic and Developmental Perspectives
Sun, Nov 5 / 9 AM - 1 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Stephen Fisk, M.D.; Luke Moix, M.D.; Beth Taylor, M.D. / $60
The Essential Function of Intuition: Bion's View of Optimal Capacity
Tue, Nov 7 / 6:30 - 8:30 PM / CPMC -P Board Room, 2351 Clay / San Francisco
NCSPP / (415) 457-9949 / Elizabeth de Bianchedi, M.D. / $25 - $65
The 10th Annual Frances Tustin Memorial Lecture
Sat, Nov 11 / 8:30 AM - 4 PM / (310) 478-4347 / Los Angeles
Frances Tustin Memorial Trust / Jeffrey Eaton; Lia Pistiner de Cortinas / $75 - $135
Attachment Theory: History, Recent Research, and Clinical Applications
Sat, Nov 11 / 8:15 AM - 1 PM / Lucy Stern Center, Ballroom, 1305 Middlefield Road / Palo Alto
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Mary Main, Ph.D.; Erik Hesse, Ph.D. / $55 - $90
Style Changes in the Work of Rene Magritte: Denial and Childhood Trauma
Sun, Nov 12 / 3 - 5 PM / 450 Sutter, Floor 9, Room 941 / San Francisco
Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies / (415) 679-0997 / Paul Ransohoff, presenter; Stephen Walrod, discussant / $10
Scientific Meeting with Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi
Mon, Nov 13 / 7:30 - 9:30 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi, M.D. / free
Special Program: WHY WAR? Reflections of a Psychoanalyst
Tue, Nov 14 / 7:30 - 9:30 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Imre Szecsody, M.D. / free
East Bay Student Outreach: Intersubjectivity
Wed, Nov 15 (begins) / 7:30 - 9 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Louis Roussel, Ph.D. / free
Sausalito Salon: Psychoanalysis and Spiritual Perspectives
Fri, Nov 17 / 6:30 - 8:45 PM / Home of Cleopatra Victoria / Sausalito
NCSPP / (415) 309-0222 / John Deri, M.D. / $15 - $20
Extension Division: A Day with Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi
Sat, Nov 18 / 9 AM - 3:30 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter St. / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi / $55 - $140
SFPI&S Friends Clinical Forum
Tue, Nov 21 / 7:30 - 9 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter St. / (415) 563-5815 / San Francisco
Friends of SFPI&S / Kym Sites, MFT, presenter; Lee Grossman, M.D., discussant / $0 - $15
Psychoanalytic Grand Rounds @ Stanford
Wed, Nov 29 / 6:15 - 7:30 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Joseph Caston, M.D. / free
Eating Disorder Conference: When Nothing Stays Inside
Sat, Dec 2 / 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM / SFPI&S Library, 2420 Sutter Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Kathy Dewitt, Ph.D.; Jana Kahn, Ph.D.; Shela Fisk, Ph.D.;
Michael Loughran, Ph.D.; Robin Duetsch, Ph.D. / $80 - $90
Extension Division: Dreams, a Road to Understanding Attachment Issues
Sat, Dec 2 / 9 AM - 1 PM / Elks Lodge, 4249 El Camino Real / Palo Alto
SFPI&S / (415) 563-5815 / Eugene Woods, M.D. / $100
Healing the Trauma of War: Iraq Veterans and Their Families
Sun, Dec 3 / 9:30 AM - 5 PM / CPMC, Buchanan @ Clay / (415) 387-0800 / San Francisco
Deep Streams Inst. / Jaine Darwin, Psy.D.; Ken Reich, Ph.D; Robert Grant, Ph.D. / $60 - $125
PINC Open House
Wed, Dec 6 / 7:30 - 9 PM / 2252 Fillmore St. / San Francisco
PINC / (415) 434-2002 / Linda Tucker, Ph.D. / free