Suddenly it is the end of the year. September melted into December, and soon we will have to train ourselves to write out the strange numbers of the new year. IMPULSE is barely four months old, but already it is vibrant and useful. Our goal was that this newsletter might act as a forum and a bridge — linking disparate elements in our psychoanalytic communities by creating a network of interaction. It is well on its way to doing just that.
It is my hope that NCSPP will continue to broaden its reach as an organization with a truly ecumenical vision. More than ever, students and practitioners of depth psychology need a big tent. In part this is because various schools of thought are so enriched by entering into dialogue with one another. Beyond that, I believe that psychoanalysis has a great deal of use to say in the world, and we as analytic practitioners will be much more comprehensible if we can speak with some sense of harmony. Dissent and disagreement are productive, while acrimony and dissociation bring little gain. With luck and your efforts, NCSPP can continue to serve as a holding environment for our various communities.
This month marks my last column as president of NCSPP. Next month a new year begins under the leadership of Beth Steinberg, Ph.D. We hope you'll support our efforts to strengthen collaboration in the Northern California psychoanalytic community by becoming a member of NCSPP today.
Francisco J. Gonzalez, M.D.
President, NCSPP
The Children's Psychotherapy Project arose as an antidote to the revolving door of interns typically available to foster youth.
PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUPS: Long-term, psychodynamic. 1) Therapy Groups for Therapists. 2) General Adult Psychotherapy Groups. Led by Art Raisman, Ph.D., Ass't Clinical Prof., Psychiatry, UCSF; Past President, Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society. (415) 453-4271
psyQ DISCUSSION GROUP: Email listserv for queer, psychoanalytically oriented clinicians and trainees in the Bay Area. Share intelligence re: classes, events, more. Moderated by Gary Grossman, Ph.D. and Brad Falconer, M.A. Join.
The Therapist's Body in Fantasy and Reality
Sat, Dec 3 / 10 AM - 1 PM / 1900 Sixth Street (at Hearst) / Berkeley
Women's Therapy Center / Jane Burka, Ph.D. / $30-75
Irresistable Objects and Immovable Forces — Something's Gotta Give
Sat, Dec 3 / 9 AM - 1 PM / El Camino Hospital, 2500 Grant Road / Mountain View, CA
SFPI&S / Maureen Smith, M.D. / $80
Infertility and Beyond — Psychoanalytic Symposium in Honor of Dr. Applegarth
Sat, Dec 3 / 8:15 AM - 1 PM / 3200 California Street / San Francisco
SFPI&S / D. Ehrensaft, Ph.D.; J. Kite, Ph.D.; M. M. McClure, D.M.H.; E. Schriock, M.D. / $50-80
Dialogues: On Not Being Able to Think/On Being Able Not to Think
Sat, Dec 10 / 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM / SFPI&S Library / San Francisco
SFPI&S / Donald Moss, M.D. / $45
Scientific Meeting: "Mapping Racism"
Mon, Dec 12 / 7:30 - 9:30 PM / SFPI&S Library / San Francisco
SFPI&S / Donald Moss, M.D. / free
PINC Graduation Papers
Sat, Dec 17 / 9 AM - 12:15 PM / 3333 California St. (Presidents Room) / San Francisco
PINC / Jim Meyers, M.F.T. and Judith H. Katz, Ph.D. / free
Understanding Primitive Mental States: Elaborations on the Work of Bion
Fri (ongoing) / 10:30 - 11:55 AM / 550 Hamilton Ave. #240 / Palo Alto
Lynn Alexander, Psy.D. / (650) 328-8505 / $45 per meeting
Current Views on Psychoanalytic Core Concepts : Transference
Wed (ongoing) / 11:20 AM - 12:50 PM / 550 Hamilton Ave. #240 / Palo Alto
Lynn Alexander, Psy.D. / (650) 328-8505 / $45 per meeting
Collaborative Group Consultation from an Independent Psychoanalytic Perspective
Wed (ongoing) / 11:40 AM - 1:05 PM / 301 B Saratoga Road / Los Gatos
Hugh Grubb, M.A. / $45
8 Week Psychoanalytic Reading Group: "Bi-Personal Field" by A. Ferro
Wed, Jan 4 (begins) / 9:30 - 10:30 AM / 2964 Fillmore St. / San Francisco
Mary Paige, Psy.D. / $30.00