Submit Course Proposal

NCSPP offers a rich array of learning opportunities for members and the greater public. The Education Committee provides single-day and multi-day programming that represents the intellectual diversity of contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapy, the diversity of therapists and patients, and the expansion of psychoanalytic theory and practice. Our courses and workshops take place on Zoom as well as in San Francisco, the East Bay, and the North Bay. Courses meet the continuing education credit requirements for LCSWs and MFTs through CAMFT (Provider #57020) and psychologists through Division 39 of the American Psychological Association.

If you are interested in teaching a class or workshop, please complete the following form and/or attach a document that includes the listed items. Note that we are asking for your ideal vision of the course. We take many factors into consideration when considering proposals and may return to you to for further development and collaboration to ensure successful, timely offerings.

The committee welcomes proposals year round. We do a final review of all submissions and approve them for the following year. Once proposals have been reviewed, you will hear back from the committee chair in December. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Education Chair.

We are especially eager to receive proposals that take an intersectional sociocultural perspective. We invite courses on topics that are necessary for CEs such as supervision and suicide assessment, and topics that are relevant to the realities of working in the current sociopoligical/climate situation. Finally, please submit topics of passionate interest to you!

*Please note that instructors whose proposals are accepted and are not already NCSPP members will be asked to become a member of NCSPP prior to teaching their courses.

Please condense to capture main idea (1000 word limit)
Submit three or more objectives that clearly define (rather than describe) what the participant will know or be able to do as a result of having attended the course/seminar. When writing your objectives, it's important to list them in a clear and concise format. Be specific and include numerical values whenever possible to add clarity to your goals (i.e. Participants will be able to apply 3 ideas of transference and countertransference to conducting analytic groups).

Commitment to Equity

As an organization we are committed to bringing awareness to matters of anti-oppression, inequity, inequality, diversity and inclusion as they pertain to our educational offerings, our theoretical orientation, our community and the broader world we all inhabit.  The defining features of these commitments we are currently working to address are as follows: Circumstances in which a lack of equity, power, privilege or bias occur that unfairly exclude people in minority subgroups such as age, race, ethnicity, nationality, language, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability and size.

Target audience/participant level.
Provide at least 5 empirical references within the last 5 years along with a brief list of readings to be used.
Provide a brief CV to give us a sense of you and your professional life, interests, and passions.
Provide at least two references (in particular, references that can speak to your teaching and/or group mgt.)
Preferred Course Scheduling
Desired Number of Participants
Please provide your name in case we have questions about your submission.
Please provide your e-mail in case we have questions about your submission