Fri, Nov 1, 2019
7:30 - 9:30 pm

Golden Gate Integral Counseling Center

507 Polk Street
Suite 450
San Francisco, CA 94102
Student Paper Presentation
CE Credits: 
Participant Limit: 

$15 General Public
$12 NCSPP Member

Tuition listed above is for early registration, $5 discount off full fee. For registrations received after the deadline, full tuition will be applied to all registrations

Early Registration Deadline: 
October 18, 2019
Registration Notes: 
NCSPP offers online course registration and payment using PayPal, the Internet’s most trusted payment processor. All major credit cards, as well as checking account debit payments, are accepted.



Course Overview: 

Please join the Pre-Licensed Clinicians Committee in celebrating the work of Amber Trotter, Psy.D., on her paper titled, “Living Our Dreams or Dreaming a Nightmare: Reflections on an Increasingly Virtual Reality,” which received fort da’s 2018 Student Paper Award. Amber will present her paper, and a discussion facilitated by Brian Kuennemeier, Psy.D., will follow.


Amber Trotter, Psy.D., is a graduate of Middlebury College, Access Institute, and the California Institute of Integral Studies, where she currently teaches. She has a background in sociology and political activism and thinks and writes about the nexus of psychoanalysis and contemporary society. She recently published a book, Psychoanalysis as a Subversive Phenomenon (Lexington Books, 2019) and is a founding editor at Damage Magazine. She has a private practice in San Francisco.

Target Audience & Level: 

Graduate students and all mental health professionals are welcome.

Cancellation & Refund Policies: 

No refunds will be allowed for this event.

Contact Information: 

For program related questions contact Brian Kuennemeier, Psy.D. at 

For questions related to enrollment, locations, CE credit, special needs, course availability and other administrative issues contact Michele McGuinness by email or 415-496-9949.


Pre-licensed Clinician Members Committee

The Pre-licensed Clinician Members Committee focuses on outreach to Bay Area psychology students and brings NCSPP-affiliated psychologists to local graduate schools. The committee focuses on supporting professional development, as well as fostering community-building and networking among the next generation of psychoanalytic psychotherapists.