Fri, Feb 9, 2024 to Fri, Mar 22, 2024
12:00 - 2:00 pm
No class Mar 1, 2024
CE Credits: 
Participant Limit: 

$420 General Public
$300 Full Members
$264 CMH Members
$240 Associate Members
$180 Student Members
$180 Scholarship (prior approval required to register at this fee)

Tuition listed above is for early registration ($40 discount off full fee, $15 discount for NCSPP Student Members). For registrations received after the deadline, full tuition will be applied to all registrations.

Tuition does not include the cost of readers.

Early Registration Deadline: 
January 26, 2024
Registration Notes: 


Insights From Group Analysis

Course Overview: 

This course introduces ideas and concepts at the center of the Group Analytic (GA) approach. Developed by S.H. Foulkes, GA is an established model for group therapy used in many countries around the world that focuses on relationships and interactions between group members. It explores patterns of communication, roles, power dynamics, and the influence of social and collective factors on the individual. Contrary to other group therapy approaches, GA formulates different therapeutic factors, such as resonance and mirroring, integrates the individual (personal matrix) with the group (group matrix), and examines unconscious social forces and their impact on the individual and the group (foundation matrix). Notably, GA developed the position of the Conductor (group therapist). Five distinguished group analysts from the UK, Israel, Brazil, and the U.S. will discuss the GA approach while elaborating on its main components, including the tripartite matrix, transference and countertransference, the language of the group, the Social Unconscious in GA, dreams, and the position of the group conductor.

Commitment to Equity: 

NCSPP is aware that historically psychoanalysis has either excluded or pathologized groups outside of the dominant population in terms of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, language, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, and size. As an organization, we are committed to bringing awareness to matters of anti-oppression, inequity, inequality, diversity, and inclusion as they pertain to our educational offerings, our theoretical orientation, our community, and the broader world we all inhabit.

Presenters Response:

Race, culture, and social identity of group members are critical determinants in the conceptualization and formation of group therapy; it may play a major role in group dynamics including in potential ruptures transpired amongst group members. We will pay special attention to cracks and microaggressions emerging in group context, using the Group Analytic frame of reference that examines social unconscious questions around race, language, ability, gender, and the similarities and differences between the leader and the group members. We will examine the intricacies of BIPOC lived experience and intersubjective dynamics as they may emerge in group context and the skills set the group leader may utilize to embrace and honor the uniqueness of all human experiences.

Course Objectives: 

At the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Compare Group Analysis to other group therapy approaches and name 3 key differences
  • Explain the concepts of the Social Unconscious and of the Tripartite Matrix.
  • Apply 3 ideas of transference and countertransference to conducting analytic groups.
  • Describe the Group Analytic approach to dreaming and dream telling.
  • Identify at least 2 processes that pertain to the development of the group in group therapy.
  • Compare the group analytic idea of the "Conductor" to the North American idea of the "Group Leader."
Empirical Reference: 
  1. Burlingame, G. M., Strauss, B., & Joyce, A. (2021). Efficacy of small group treatments: Foundation for evidence-based practice. In M. Barkham, W. Lutz, & L. G. Castonguay (Eds.), Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change: 50th anniversary edition (pp. 583–624). John Wiley and Sons.
  2. Geller, S.; Friedman, R.; Levy, S.; Akerman, Y.; Van den Brink, G.; Romach, G.; Shazar, T.; Goldzweig, G. The rough road: A single case study of dreamtelling in a group during the COVID-19 pandemic and military conflict. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2022, 19, 7174.
  3. Hopper, E. (Ed) (2023). The Tripartite Matrix in the Developing Theory and Expanding Practice of Group Analysis: The Social Unconscious in Persons, Groups and Societies: Volume 4. London: Routledge.
  4. Hopper, E. & Weinberg, H. (Eds.) (2017). The Social Unconscious in Persons, Groups and Societies: Volume 3: The Foundation Matrix Extended and Re-configured. London: Karnac.
  5. Kaklauskas F., & Greene, L. (2019). Core Principles of Group Psychotherapy (1st Edition). Routledge.
  6. Penna, C. (2016). Countertransference in groups with severely ill inpatients. In Fehr, S.S. (Ed.). 101 Interventions in Group Therapy (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge, p.32-35.
  7. Penna, C. (2023). Transference, countertransference, and the social unconscious: the bastion in clinical figurations in tripartite matrices. In Hopper, E. (ed.). The Tripartite Matrix in the Developing Theory and Practice of Group Analysis: The Social Unconscious in Persons, Groups and Societies: volume 4. London: Routledge.
  8. Schlapobersky, J. R. (2016). From the couch to the circle. In The Routledge handbook of group-analytic psychotherapy. Routledge.
  9. Weinberg, H (2022). Adjusting Group Therapy to Asian Cultures. In: C. Martinez-Taboada & M. Honig (eds.). Cultural diversity, groups and psychotherapy around the world. pp: 168-187. Illinois: International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes.
  10. Weinberg, H. (2016). Impossible Groups that Flourish in Leaking Containers - Challenging Group Analytic Theory. Group Analysis, 49(4): 330-349.

Robi Friedman, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and group analyst based in Israel. Dr. Friedman is the former president of the International Group Analytic Society and co-founder of the Israeli Institute of Group Analysis.

Earl Hopper, Ph.D., is a psychoanalyst, group analyst, and organizational consultant in private practice in London. He is a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society, an Honorary Member of the Institute of Group Analysis and the Group Analytic Society International, and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. Dr. Hopper is the author and editor of numerous books and articles.

Carla Penna, Ph.D., is a psychoanalyst and group analyst in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she is the former president of the Brazilian Association of Group Psychotherapy and Society of Group Analytic Psychotherapy.

John Schlapobersky, BA Msc CGP, is a training analyst, supervisor, and teacher in the Institute of Group Analysis, London, and research fellow, Birbeck, University of London. He is in private practice at the Bloomsbury Psychotherapy Practice and works with individuals, couples, and groups. He has trained generations of group analysts, teaches internationally, and has published widely.

Haim Weinberg, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist, group analyst, and certified group psychotherapist in private practice in Sacramento. He has authored a book on online groups, and co-authored and co-edited books on fairy tales and the social unconscious. His latest book, co-written with Arnon Rolnick, is Theory and Practice of Online Therapy (Routledge, 2019).

Target Audience & Level: 

This introductory course is for clinicians with all levels of experience in clinical work with some background in the principles of psychoanalytic approaches.

Continuing Education Credit: 

LCSW/MFTs: Course meets the requirements for _ hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and/or LEPS, as required by the CA Board of Behavioral Sciences. NCSPP is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (Provider Number 57020), to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCS, and/or LEPs. NCSPP maintains responsibility for this program /course and its content.

Psychologists: Division 39 is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 39 maintains responsibility for these programs and their content.

Cancellation & Refund Policies: 

Enrollees who cancel at least SEVEN DAYS prior to the event date will receive a refund minus a $35 administrative charge. No refunds will be allowed after this time.  Transfer of registrations are not allowed.

Contact Information: 

For program related questions contact Ronna Haglili at

For questions related to enrollment, locations, CE credit, special needs, course availability and other administrative issues contact Michele McGuinness by email or 415-496-9949.


Education Committee

The Education Committee is responsible for the development of a variety of courses and workshops given throughout the year in San Francisco and the East Bay.

Natasha Oxenburgh, MA, Chair
Mara Gerson, MA
Elana Guy, Psy.D.