NCSPP continues to dedicate itself to the growth of our community of psychodynamic and psychoanalytically oriented students, candidates, professionals, and the interested general public. In the context of the current coronavirus pandemic that potentially impacts our thinking, growth, and work with the community at large, we are offering a list of resources primarily for our clinical practitioners: those working in community mental health, universities, training programs, and private practice. The following list of linked-to-resources has been generated by members of our Board of Directors, with the intent to offer information for the benefit of our membership and community, as well as for the clients and patients for whom we offer our care and service. Please feel free to send us updates for consideration. To be clear, this list is by no means exhaustive, is intended to evolve with new information but may only be periodically updated, and is meant to supplement, and not replace, information and resources disseminated to you from other primary sources.

General Health Guidelines

Professional Organizations Guidelines

Telehealth Resources

Clinical Care Opportunities, Volunteer/Pro Bono Basis

Social Resources

In California:

Local COVID-19 emergency relief funds

Immigrant and Refugee Resources

COVID-19 Anti-Stigma Resources:

For Students:

For Parents: