Elana Guy, Psy.D.

My name is Elana Guy and I am an in-person and virtual psychotherapist located in private practice in Alameda, CA. I work psychodynamically with an emphasis on a relational/attachment approach.
I specialize in the perinatal phase of life including postpartum depression/anxiety, attachment, and infant-parent bonding, as well as the many joys and challenges of parenting young children. I also work with adolescents and young adults: helping them strive to know themselves with greater clarity and kindness; supporting them as they discover their voice with friends, family, and at school while transitioning on relying on their own sense of self. With older adults, I work primarily with the profound transition to retirement: grief, loss of loved ones, and examining one's own mortality and eventual death.
I am currently supervising an intern at Community Institute for Psychotherapy, which serves residents of Marin County. And just recently I joined the Education Committee at NCSPP as a member of the group. I am looking forward to supporting the courses and faculty that come to teach.
Please view my website at: https://drelanaguy.com for more information about my practice. I look forward to meeting and learning with many of you in the years to come.