Daniel S. Benveniste, Ph.D.

My name is Daniel S. Benveniste. I lived in San Francisco from 1972 to 1999. During that time, I studied psychology, became a charter member of NCSPP, started a private practice, was in supervision with Nathan Adler for five years, did research on the early history of psychoanalysis in San Francisco, worked in clinics, and met many wonderful students while teaching in several of the free-standing schools of professional psychology and in the social work department at UC Berkeley. In 1999, I moved to Caracas, Venezuela where I studied Spanish, maintained a private practice, taught at Universidad Central de Venezuela and Universidad Católica Ándrés Bello, visited indigenous communities in the Upper Orinoco, and witnessed the so-called ‘Bolivarian Revolution’ up close and personal. In 2010 my wife, Adriana Prengler, and I moved to the Pacific Northwest where we live today in the town of Sammamish, Washington, not far from Seattle.
I have a psychotherapy practice, belong to the Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Studies, and I'm an honorary member of the American Psychoanalytic Association. In 2015, I published a biography of the fort-da baby titled The Interwoven Lives of Sigmund, Anna, and W. Ernest Freud: Three Generations of Psychoanalysis (IPBooks). And last year I publishedLibido, Culture, and Consciousness: Revisiting Freud's Totem and Taboo (IPBooks). I send warm greetings and “saludos” from across time and space to my old friends and students in the San Francisco Bay Area, and to the rest of the growing NCSPP community as well. https://benvenistephd.com/