Fukiko Shibahara , Psy.D.
Adoption and/or Foster Care Issues, Anxiety, Bereavement, Grief and Loss, Caregiver Issues, Domestic Violence, Families/Loved Ones of People with Mental Illness, Immigration and Acculturation issues, Issues related to Aging, Life Transitions, Multi-Cultural Issues, Parenting Issues, Peri-Natal and/or Post-Partum Issues, PTSD, Trauma
Grad School/Psychoanalytic Institute Training:
Alliant University (formerly CSPP)
Professional Affiliations:
Alliant University (formerly CSPP), American Psychological Association (APA), Division 39, PINC Community Member
Child/Play Therapy, Clinical Consultation and/or Supervision, Family Therapy, Individual therapy, Parent/Infant Dyads, Psychological Assessment/Testing
Age Breakdown:
Children 0 to 5, Latency age children, Young Adults, Adults