The response to the publication in 1995 of Thoughts Without a Thinker, written by the Buddhist psychiatrist Mark Epstein, was but one indication of the burgeoning interest in mindfulness and Buddhism among psychotherapists. Psychotherapy and Buddhism help us transform suffering and realize our full human potential. They overlap in important ways, yet each offers distinctive elements that potentiate and enrich the other.
Since 1999 Deep Streams Institute has provided continuing education for the enrichment and well-being of psychotherapists, drawing on the teachings of mindfulness and Buddhism, psychoanalysis, the creative arts, and leading edge science such as interpersonal neurobiology. We also serve the community by bringing together psychoanalytic and Buddhist principles and practice through innovative programs with high-risk youth and, soon, returning Iraq war veterans.
Deep Streams offers a variety of study groups, workshops and conferences. At recent residential conferences, psychotherapists from around the country came together to create a community of learning. The learning was integral, engaging head, heart, body and soul with stimulating presentations, genuine dialogue, a safe space to think feel and be together, meditation practice, and expressive arts performances. Many found that "something shifted" in their practice and their outlook and were grateful for a unique, stimulating and transformative educational opportunity.
We invite you to join us as we practice, study and evolve together and share the fruits for the benefit of all beings. For more information call (415) 487-8742 or visit ourweb site.
Joseph Bobrow, Ph.D.
Director, Deep Streams Institute